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Cothon-217 - ΔV: Wiki


From ΔV: Wiki
A Cothon-217 in the fleet menu

Based on the Cothon-212's proven design, the 217 features an experimental variable geometry processed cargo storage, able to adapt to mission requirements on the fly by dynamically resizing the internal containers. Few of these ships were built, finding use in local operations. Her mass and reduced total cargo capacity make her unsuitable for interplanetary transport. -In-Game Description

Cothon-217 "Bender"
Make Conlido RVM
Low-Stress 4
Crew 3
Dry mass 103,700 kg
Cargo bay 260 m^3
Processed cargo 108,000 kg (combined)
Hull Length 54.4 m
Hull Width 28.9 m
Min. Cargo Bay Width 3.6 m

The Conlido RVM Cothon-217 "Bender" is a variant of the Cothon-212 cargo hauler. This ship's primary distinction is its variable geometry cargo hold, which allows it dynamically adjust the storage capacity for every mineral type. Rather than carrying a maximum of 27,000kg of each type of ore, the Cothon-217 can carry a total of 108,000kg in any combination. Due to the additional required equipment, the Cothon-217 weighs 20,000kg more than the other Cothon-21x ships.


  • Gimballed RCS helps substantially with maneuverability.
  • The two rear hardpoints are unable to hold forward-firing weapons, only drones, side-mounted items, and PD turrets.
  • The Cothon-21x series of ships only have three crew capacity, and are thus unable to have one of each role.


Name Dry mass Processed cargo Engines EMP shielding Stripped hull price Variant
Cothon-212 83,700 kg 27,000 kg 1 100 MJ 79,549 E$
Cothon-213 "Triplet" 84,700 kg 27,000 kg 3 78,149 E$ Triple main engines
Cothon-211 "Chonker" 83,700 kg 27,000 kg 1 100 MJ 79,549 E$ Larger excavator
Cothon-217 "Bender" 103,700 kg 108,000 kg (combined) 1 100 MJ 102,049 E$ Variable processed cargo storage