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Achievements are earned by completing specific tasks, reaching certain milestones, or by finding something within the rings.

Name Description Requirements (if different) Icon
Pot of Gold Make your first million Achievement PotOfGoldUnlocked.jpg
Stonks Make 10 million E$ Achievement StonksUnlocked.jpg
Driving License Get through the tutorial Achievement DrivingLicenseUnlocked.jpg
Diver Reach 10km into the rings Achievement DiverUnlocked.jpg
Deep Diver Reach 50km into the rings Achievement DeepDiverUnlocked.jpg
Enceladus Prime Get back to Enceladus Prime station Return to Enceladus prime by astrogating, exiting the rings, or engaging emergency return protocols by exceeding 200 m/s Achievement EnceladusPrimeUnlocked.jpg
Escape Velocity Trigger emergency autopilot return Exceed 200 m/s to engage emergency return protocols Achievement EscapeVelocityUnlocked.jpg
Manned Mission Hire a crewmember Achievement MannedMissionUnlocked.jpg
Full House Man all the stations on your ship Have an equal number of crewmembers active as the

maximum number of crewmember slots on the ship

Achievement FullHouseUnlocked.jpg
Pest Disposal Get a ship's cat Achievement PestDisposalUnlocked.jpg
Just hit it with a Hammer Repair your ship Repair a damaged piece of equipment once Achievement JusthititwithaHammerUnlocked.jpg
New and Shiny Replace a part with a new one Achievement NewandShinyUnlocked.jpg
This is no Moon Discover a moonlet Achievement ThisisnoMoonUnlocked.jpg
Fissile Goods Discover Uranium Caves Pass the entrance to a Uranium Cave Achievement FissileGoodsUnlocked.jpg
Ganymedian Anarchy Discover Ganymedian Anarchy station Achievement GanymedianAnarchyUnlocked.jpg
Modern Artifacts Discover Phage-Class station Achievement ModernArtifactsUnlocked.jpg
A little break Discover the Space bar Achievement AlittlebreakUnlocked.jpg
Paradise Lost Discover a destroyed Habitat Achievement ParadiseLostUnlocked.jpg
A Touch of Singularity Touch a Singularity Core Achievement ATouchofSingularityUnlocked.jpg
Close Call Evade an almost-certain collision Spend 2,000 units in the pilot's automatically-engaged

adrenaline booster (better description at bottom of page)

Achievement CloseCallUnlocked.jpg
Hard Burn Skim near the ringroids like a master pilot Spend 5,000 units in the pilot's automatically-engaged

adrenaline booster (better description at bottom of page)

Achievement HardBurnUnlocked.jpg
Leaf on the Wind Wash would be proud Spend 20,000 units in the pilot's automatically-engaged

adrenaline booster (better description at bottom of page)

Achievement LeafontheWindUnlocked.jpg
Race Condition Get access to racing gear Ask the racer about their thrusters Achievement RaceConditionUnlocked.jpg
Level Up Improve level of your crew Achievement LevelUpUnlocked.jpg
Transcendence Level up to maximum level Have a crewmember's experience and education (internally) reach 0.995 on both stats Achievement TranscendenceUnlocked.jpg
Don't Panic! Find Elon's car Collect Elon's Ride from the rings and bring it back to

Enceladus Prime

Achievement DontPanicUnlocked.jpg
Serene Ballad Let the Singer Sing Achievement SereneBalladUnlocked.jpg
Lost in Space Reach the Keeler Gap Achievement LostInSpaceUnlocked.jpg
Big Emptiness Reach the Encke Gap Achievement BigEmptinessUnlocked.jpg
Here, there be dragons Fly 5km into Encke gap Achievement HeretherebedragonsUnlocked.jpg
Hackers in Wonderland Hack a ship Have your hacker crewmate successfully hack a ship Achievement HackersinWonderlandUnlocked.jpg
Frozen for Eternity Find a frozen body Collect a frozen body into your cargo hold Achievement FrozenforEternityUnlocked.jpg
Did You See My Kid? Find a missing child Complete the missing child quest Achievement DidYouSeeMyKidUnlocked.jpg
K37 TNTRL Get and pilot the K37 TNTRL Return to Enceladus Prime once while in a K37 TNTRL Achievement K37TNTRLUnlocked.jpg
Pilot: K37 TNTRL Pilot the K37 TNTRL for 1 hour Return to Enceladus Prime when total dive time with the K37 TNTRL is at or exceeds 60 minutes Achievement PilotK37TNTRLUnlocked.jpg
Captain: K37 TNTRL Pilot the K37 TNTRL for 10 hours Return to Enceladus Prime when total dive time with the K37 TNTRL is at or exceeds 600 minutes Achievement CaptainK37TNTRLUnlocked.jpg
Antonoff-Titan K225 Get and pilot the Antonoff-Titan K225 Return to Enceladus Prime once while in an Antonoff-Titan K225 Achievement Antonoff-TitanK225Unlocked.jpg
Pilot: Antonoff-Titan K225 Pilot the Antonoff-Titan K225 for 1 hour Return to Enceladus Prime when total dive time with the

Antonoff-Titan K225 is at or exceeds 60 minutes

Achievement PilotAntonoff-TitanK225Unlocked.jpg
Captain: Antonoff-Titan K225 Pilot the Antonoff-Titan K225 for 10 hours Return to Enceladus Prime when total dive time with the

Antonoff-Titan K225 is at or exceeds 60 minutes

Achievement CaptainAntonoff-TitanK225Unlocked.jpg
Obonto OCP-209 Get and pilot the Obonto OCP-209 Return to Enceladus Prime once while in an Obonto OCP-209 Achievement ObontoOCP-209Unlocked.jpg
Pilot: Obonto OCP-209 Pilot the Obonto OCP-209 for 1 hour Return to Enceladus Prime when total dive time with the

Obonto OCP-209 is at or exceeds 60 minutes

Achievement PilotObontoOCP-209Unlocked.jpg
Captain: Obonto OCP-209 Pilot the Obonto OCP-209 for 10 hours Return to Enceladus Prime when total dive time with the

Obonto OCP-209 is at or exceeds 600 minutes

Achievement CaptainObontoOCP-209Unlocked.jpg
Eagle Prospector Get and pilot the Eagle Prospector Return to Enceladus Prime once while in an Eagle Prospector Achievement EagleProspectorUnlocked.jpg
Pilot: Eagle Prospector Pilot the Eagle Prospector for 1 hour Return to Enceladus Prime when total dive time with the Eagle Prospector is at or exceeds 60 minutes Achievement PilotEagleProspectorUnlocked.jpg
Captain: Eagle Prospector Pilot the Eagle Prospector for 10 hours Return to Enceladus Prime when total dive time with the Eagle Prospector is at or exceeds 600 minutes Achievement CaptainEagleProspectorUnlocked.jpg
Elon Interstellar Model E Get and pilot the Elon Interstellar Model E Return to Enceladus Prime once while in an Elon Interstellar Model E Achievement ElonInterstellarModelEUnlocked.jpg
Pilot: Elon Interstellar Model E Pilot the Elon Interstellar Model E for 1 hour Return to Enceladus Prime when total dive time with the Elon Interstellar Model E is at or exceeds 60 minutes Achievement PilotElonInterstellarModelEUnlocked.jpg
Captain: Elon Interstellar Model E Pilot the Elon Interstellar Model E for 10 hours Return to Enceladus Prime when total dive time with the Elon Interstellar Model E is at or exceeds 600 minutes Achievement CaptainElonInterstellarModelEUnlocked.jpg
Cothon-212 Get and pilot the Cothon-212 Return to Enceladus Prime once while in a Cothon-212 Achievement Cothon-212Unlocked.jpg
Pilot: Cothon-212 Pilot the Cothon-212 for 1 hour Return to Enceladus Prime when total dive time with the

Cothon-212 is at or exceeds 60 minutes

Achievement PilotCothon-212Unlocked.jpg
Captain: Cothon-212 Pilot the Cothon-212 for 10 hours Return to Enceladus Prime when total dive time with the

Cothon-212 is at or exceeds 600 minutes

Achievement CaptainCothon-212Unlocked.jpg
Bald Eagle Get and pilot the Bald Eagle Return to Enceladus Prime once while in a Bald Eagle Achievement BaldEagleUnlocked.jpg
Pilot: Bald Eagle Pilot the Bald Eagle for 1 hour Return to Enceladus Prime when total dive time with the Bald Eagle is at or exceeds 60 minutes Achievement PilotBaldEagleUnlocked.jpg
Captain: Bald Eagle Pilot the Bald Eagle for 10 hours Return to Enceladus Prime when total dive time with the Bald Eagle is at or exceeds 600 minutes Achievement CaptainBaldEagleUnlocked.jpg
ND-LIS Kitsune Get and pilot the ND-LIS Kitsune Return to Enceladus Prime once while in an ND-LIS Kitsune Achievement ND-LISKitsuneUnlocked.jpg
Pilot: ND-LIS Kitsune Pilot the ND-LIS Kitsune for 1 hour Return to Enceladus Prime when total dive time with the

ND-LIS Kitsune is at or exceeds 60 minutes

Achievement PilotND-LISKitsuneUnlocked.jpg
Captain: ND-LIS Kitsune Pilot the ND-LIS Kitsune for 10 hours Return to Enceladus Prime when total dive time with the

ND-LIS Kitsune is at or exceeds 600 minutes

Achievement CaptainND-LISKitsuneUnlocked.jpg
The magic of Xmas Enjoy the Xmas spirit on Enceladus Prime Station Achievement ThemagicofXmasUnlocked.jpg
Unlimited power! Fire an SPC Gungnir at a full charge (and HIT!) Charge an SPC Gungnir for 30 seconds (or until you see

purple zaps on it) and hit something with it's shot

Achievement UnlimitedpowerUnlocked.jpg
Big Rig Fly a really, really heavy ship Fly a ship when it's mass exceeds half a kilotonne (500,000 kg) Achievement BigRigUnlocked.jpg
Blue Gold Gather 5,000kg of beryllium in your processed cargo hold Achievement BlueGoldUnlocked.jpg
Kinetic Fly with kinetic weapons for over 1 hour Achievement KineticUnlocked.jpg
Lasermania Fly with lasers for over 1 hour Achievement LasermaniaUnlocked.jpg
Micro management Fly with microwaves for over 1 hour Achievement MicromanagementUnlocked.jpg
With A Little Help From My Friends Fly with mining companions for over 1 hour Achievement WithALittleHelpFromMyFriendsUnlocked.jpg
Breath of Fire Fly with plasma throwers for over 1 hour Achievement BreathofFireUnlocked.jpg
Play Dead Turn off every system on your ship Disable every equipment on your ship using the mechanic tab in OMS Achievement PlayDeadUnlocked.jpg
I'll be Back Use the B8 claim Beacon Release and activate a B8 claim beacon Achievement IllbeBackUnlocked.jpg
Short Circuit Have both a hacker and an AI hater in the same crew when confronted by an AI Have a hacker and an AI hater argue about the morality of AI Achievement ShortCircuitUnlocked.jpg
Playing it safe Get your company insured for at least a

million E$

Achievement PlayingitsafeUnlocked.jpg
Firefly Nearly melt your reactor when overheating occurs Achievement FireflyUnlocked.jpg
Driving Stick Conduct a 15-minute flight by relying solely on manual piloting techniques. 15 minutes is done incrimentally. You must be using manual controls and not have a Fly By Wire autopilot Achievement DrivingStickUnlocked.jpg
And His Name Will Be Forty

and Four

Play the game when there is more than 44 concurrent players Achievement AndHisNameWillBeFortyandFourUnlocked.jpg
Squadron 303 Play the game when there is more than 303 concurrent players Achievement Squadron303Unlocked.jpg
Once more, with feeling Start a new save Achievement OncemorewithfeelingUnlocked.jpg
Hello Darkness My Old Friend Return to a save a month after last playing it. Achievement HelloDarknessMyOldFriendUnlocked.jpg
Parley Hear the pirate side of the story Achievement ParleyUnlocked.jpg
Dirty Job Get a quest from the pirates Achievement DirtyJobUnlocked.jpg
Illicit goods Trade with the pirates Purchase a rogue THICC or a derelict off of a pirate Achievement IllicitGoodsUnlocked.jpg
Inside Job Infiltrate the Ganymedean Anarchy Station Assist the BBW in infiltrating the Ganymedian Anarchy Station Achievement InsideJobUnlocked.jpg
Bounty Hunter Get a bounty hunters licence Achievement BountyHunterUnlocked.jpg
Dead or Alive Get a pirate lifepod Grab a pirate lifepod in your cargo bay, cradle or manipulator arm Achievement DeadorAliveUnlocked.jpg
Who rescues the rescuers? Attack and destroy a rescue ship Achievement WhorescuestherescuersUnlocked.jpg
Wolf Hunting Blow up the Big Bad Wolf Achievement WolfHuntingUnlocked.jpg
Death of Ganymede Destroy the Ganymedean Anarchy station Achievement DeathofGanymedeUnlocked.jpg
Lords of the Ring Destroy both G4A station and BBW during one game Achievement LordsoftheRingUnlocked.jpg


  • The playtime achievements for any ship with variants (K37, Eagle Prospector (excluding Bald Eagle), AT-K225, Cothon-212) will be accounted for across all variants
  • The stat for the Close Call, Hard Burn, and Leaf on the Wind achievements is a hidden cumulative stat that takes the current ship velocity and time under the Pilot's automatic adrenaline to add onto the stat.
  • Only flying with the EMD-14, ERFMD-17, MPI Railgun MkI, AEMD-14, and NDPT-4205 Point Defence Turret count for the Kinetic achievement, despite other mass driver like tools.


  • The This is no Moon achievement is a reference to Star Wars
  • The Don't Panic! achievement is both a reference to Douglas Adams' book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and the Tesla that Elon Musk launched into space
  • The Here, there be dragons achievement is a reference to a phrase used when sailing outside of a map
  • The I'll be Back achievement is a reference to a phrase from The Terminator
  • The Firefly achievement is a reference to a TV show of the same name
  • The Play Dead achievement's internal name is CrazyIvan, which is a reference to the maneuver of the same name