Space Bar

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Space Bar 1080x300 header.png


The Space Bar is an establishment set within a small moonlet. It holds 3 docking areas and will offer your crew a round of drinks once per visit (a visit in this case being once every time you've astrogated or flown back to the establishment from more than 15km away).

The Space Bar is unique to all moonlet variants that have caves in that it has only one entrance. This can be played into your favor by allowing you to cubby your ship at the bar and protect it from the outside, especially if you need to take a break without ending the dive.

A K37 docked at the space bar


Docking to the space bar can happen on any one of it's three internal arms. The closest one will attempt to attach onto your ship and keep it a safe distance away from the walls of the moonlet. Once docked, the service will make their offer.

If you deal any damage to the moonlet via a weapon, the arm will release your ship and fling it to the other side. This is a very temporary release and the only negative result is potential damage to the ship from colliding with the other side, as you can redock without issue.

Purchasing Drinks

Space Bar docking dialogue.pngOnce docked, you have the option to purchase drinks for 200 Encelado, or decline the offer. The price of drinks will be constant regardless of how many crew you have on board, and will provide the same benefit equally. If purchased, each crewmember will be given a 40% increase in happiness. (see the morale page for more info)

Once you have purchased drinks, one of your crewmembers will make a comment, dependent on their agenda:

Agenda Dialogue
Missing Child You guys have fun, I'm going to ask around for <child's name>.
Missing Sibling I wonder if <sister's name> visited here. She lived in the rings for years.
Ex-Anarchist I used to come here with the gang. Those were happy days. I wonder what happened to them.
Sick Crewmember Non-alcoholic for me. I'm on meds.
AI Hater This sounds like fun!
Singer I did a gig here once. Decent crowd, bad drinks.
Cat Lover I'm going to stay on-board and clean up a bit. You go ahead without me.
Hacker Fascinating. All this effort and industry, just to drink with friends?


The Space Bar can be found from a couple of means. You can always find it randomly in the rings, and it can also have a chance at being found from a Big Lidar Contact provided via another ship, or one of your own crewmembers. If it is your crewmember who discovers the contact, it will have a chance at being the Space Bar if they use the following dialogue:

"Hey, captain, I was having a drink with a friend. They assayed a big iceroid out this way, but they couldn't take any more home, and now their astrogator is sick. The coordinates should be close."