
From ΔV: Wiki

Big Moonlet 900x300.png

Moonlets are the results of gravitational distortions within the rings. Due to their concentrated mass from clumped up ringroids, they aide in the production of propeller formations, being found near the centres of them, however they can be found outside of propellers also.

Being collections of large ringroids that have been clumped together to form a larger body. The clumping together of the minerals within the ringroids produces a density of minerals way higher than usually found in ringroids, thus creating a significantly hardier structure, and as a result becomes impervious to the tools that you have access to purchase.


Small Moonlets

Small moonlets are a more common variant, and are only a few times bigger than your ship being roughly 365 metres in diameter. These can contain caves containing either uranium or a bar.

Big Moonlets

These moonlets are a lot bigger and less common as a result. These are massive even compared to smaller moonlets, being between roughly 1500 and 1900 metres in diameter. The caves that are found in these are a lot lore heavier, so will be limited to their respective pages.


All moonlets will act as astrogation points once found, and can be updated accordingly. Regardless of whether you may find use with them otherwise, or they're by a good vein, they can always be a free astrogation point regardless.

Some moonlets may not be completely solid, and can have openings to a cave within. These caves can be of interest to many players, as they can provide more ways to make money, a place to stay, or give insights into the lore.

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Locating Moonlets

Moonlets can be found anywhere in the rings, but are especially prone to being at the centres of propeller formations. Do note that those within propellers are still reliant on the storyteller's event spawning to have them appear.

The formations that moonlets can be found in:

Their high metallic content makes any moonlet very obvious on LIDAR, and provides a huge signature with RADAR also.