Uranium caves are caverns found inside Small Moonlets, and have a chance at containing Serenity Torbernite Crystals. This moonlet can be recognized by the purple glow that emanates from its thin walls, and the cavern inside, accessible from either 'end'.
Each cave has a chance at spawning a set of Serenity Torbernite Crystals. They are extremely volatile, and will undergo fission at even the slightest thermal disturbance. If a crystal is hit, it will burst into a bright flash of blue and emit an extremely high amount of thermal damage, which likely will set of other crystals in the area. Extreme caution is warranted when handling them, and it is recommended to disable the autopilot, frontal thrusters, and/or equip a Manipulator Arm to your ship to make collection more reliable.
Each crystal will sell at Enceladus Prime for exactly 40 000 E$ each.
Crystals have a set chance to spawn in the cave. By default, they will have a 50% chance to appear at all, then the chance is reduced based on the number of crystals taken from the cave. Crystals will be counted as being taken from the cave once they have entered the cargo bay once. Any crystals that detonate or are flung out into space will not count for it as detonation will loosen out new crystals, or will fall out on their own.
Once the initial 50% spawn check has been passed, the chance is calculated with an n
in 25 chance, where n
is 25 minus the number of crystals that have entered the cargo bay.