Propellant Tank

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Propellant Tanks are used to store Reaction Mass for your thrusters (as well as cooling for your reactor).

 * Short-range propellant tank
 * A low capacity propellant tank for thermal rockets holding up to 15,000 kg of propellant, these tanks are approved for shuttles and large drones operating in short range. Station authorities advise against use in the rings. Honeycombed cells prevent mass shifts during manouvers.
 * Capacity: 15,000kg
 * Propellant type: Thermal Rocket
 * Cost 6,000 E$

 * Standard propellant tank
 * Standard propellant tank for thermal rockets. Holds up to 30000kg of propellant. Approved for orbital missions. Honeycombed cells prevent mass shifts during manouvers.
 * Capacity: 30,000kg
 * Propellant type: Thermal Rocket
 * Cost 12,000 E$
 * Extended propellant tank
 * Extended propellant tank for thermal rockets. Holds up to 50000kg of propellant. Approved for interlunar missions. Honeycombed cells prevent mass shifts during manouvers.
 * Capacity: 50,000kg
 * Propellant type: Thermal Rocket
 * Cost 20,000 E$
 * Long-range propellant tank
 * Long-range propellant tank for thermal rockets. Holds up to 80000kg of propellant. Approved for interlunar and short-range interplanetary missions. Honeycombed cells prevent mass shifts during manouvers.
 * Capacity: 80,000kg
 * Propellant type: Thermal Rocket
 * Cost 32,000 E$
 * Interplanetary propellant tank
 * Propellant tank for thermal rockets on interplanetary missions. Holds up to 200,000kg of propellant. Approved for interplanetary travel. Honeycombed cells prevent mass shifts during manouvers.
 * Capacity: 200,000kg
 * Propellant type: Thermal Rocket
 * Cost 160,000 E$