Edge Runner

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Edge Runners are a random event (contact) that occurs during a dive in the rings. Players may either hail these vessels at range (with appropriate Astrogator crewmember), or wait until the vessel approaches and hails the player. The ships are triangular, containing 1x Quantum Computer (lootable), 2x reactor cores, and 2x Microwave emitters. Edge Runner ships are very EM hardened, meaning microwaves have little to no effect on them.

Dialogue Options

Upon hailing the vessel, the player is greeted with the following prerecorded message: 'This is autonomous Edge Runner [vessel name]. You have been seleceted for a routine AT audit. Please open a port and authorize my access to your internal sensors.'

Players may choose from a number of available dialogue options, given their circumstances, including special dialogue options provided by crew members (notably the 'AI hater' crew):

  • And who are you exactly, [name of vessel]?
  • AT Audit?
  • I'm not giving you access to our ship.
  • Okay [vessel name], setting you up, take a look
  • (SPECIAL, AI hater) What is this bullshit? I want to talk to a human in charge.

If players choose to allow the AT Audit to proceed, the Edge Runner vessel will scan for 'rogue AI', stating [insert approved dialogue here], After some period of time, the Edge Runner will provide a thank you message, 'AT scan complete. Thank you for your cooperation.' , and will continue on its' way.


If players choose to deny the Edge Runners request, the vessel will inform the player that they have been authorized to use force, if necessary: 'I am authorized to use force. You are getting audited, [player vessel], one way or the other.'

If denied a second time, or simply ignored, the Edge Runner will state: 'Commencing involuntary audit protocols.' and will begin 'scanning' the players' ship.

If the Edge Runner completes its' scans, whether approved by the player or denied, the end message will appear: 'AT scan complete. Thank you for your cooperation.'


Destroying Edge Runners is NOT for the faint of heart. With their EM shielding, and low mass, these ships are quite nimble and will attempt to evade the player similarly to the racers: when the player begins gaining, the Edge Runner will attempt a quick attitude change (bearing/ heading) relying on it's low mass to allow quick maneuvering. With microwaves having little to no effect on them, mass drivers and plasma throwers are the best options for disabling/ destroying Edge Runners. Another option is always the old school: Slam it into various rocks OR Torch it with the main engines.

Loot available from destroying Edge Runners is their Quantum Computer, valued at XX E$ back on Eceladus Prime. Once prized from the cold husk of the ship, there is nothing overtly special about this item. It will continue along the trajectory the Edge Runner was travelling, and can be grabbed by the player using various means (ie AR-1500 Manipulator or Cargo Bay)

Interesting note: Edge Runners will cease attacking the player without the computer active. It seems as though Edge Runners can only detect the player if their on-board computers are powered and active. Players will remember, of course, that all functions are still available without the computer, except Auto-Pilot and HUD.