K225 (modified)

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Titan (modified) info.png

This unique custom-modified variant replaces the cargo bays with heavy-duty reinforced torch slots in an angel-wing configuration. The crew habitat has a number of dedicated science stations, but the majority of the research equipment was hastily removed. The main airlock has marks of forced entry. A Faraday cage encloses all of the habitat equipment. -In-Game Description

Stats & INFO

Antonoff-Titan K225 (modified)
Make Antonoff-Titan Heavy Industries, Custom Modification
Low-Stress Hardpoints 2
Crew 12
Dry mass 250,100 kg
Cargo bay 280 m^3
Processed cargo storage 7,000 kg
EMP shielding 100 MW

This custom modification to the typical Titan is a good example of the more bizarre aspects of life within the rings. Made to be a custom research vessel, this hull holds similar systems that other hulls designed for research, and is less suitable for mining than other vessels. The replacement of the docking bays with torch hardpoints is a unique design choice, but allows for unparalleled maneuverability, especially with a ship of this size. Due to this, it can be feasible to work as a racing vessel as well, being similar in modification choice to that of the Bald Eagle.


  • The titan is capable of equipping the largest propellant, ammunition, and nanodrone storages.
  • No docking bays means that there is only 7 tonnes of processed storage per mineral maximum
  • The sheer amount of thrusters on this ship makes for the least propellant efficiency out of any ship.