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A stock AT-K225-BB in the fleet menu

The break-bulk cargo version designed for carrying unprocessed ore reallocates the space of the four front cargo bays to increase the cargo bay capacity. -In-Game Description

local p = {}

local d = require('Module:Data') local dv = require('Module:Data/View') local capiunto = require 'capiunto'

local processedCargoTypes = 6

p.view = {}

p.view['Name'] = dv.title{'key', text='name'} p.view['Make'] = dv.text{'make'}

local nonZero = function(n)

   return n and n ~= 0


p.view['Processed cargo'] = {

   format = function(ship)
       local pc  = dv.formatNum(ship.processedCargo, 'kg')
       local pcc = dv.formatNum(ship.processedCargoCombined, 'kg (combined)')
       if nonZero(ship.processedCargo) and nonZero(ship.processedCargoCombined) then
           return pc .. ' + ' .. pcc
       elseif nonZero(ship.processedCargoCombined) then
           return pcc
       elseif nonZero(ship.processedCargo) then
           return pc
   sortType = 'number',
   sortValue = function(ship)
        return ship.processedCargo * processedCargoTypes + ship.processedCargoCombined


p.view['High-Stress'] = dv.number{'highStress'} p.view['Low-Stress'] = dv.number{'lowStress'} p.view['Drone hardpoints'] = dv.number{'droneHardpoints'} p.view['Docking bays'] = dv.number{'dockingBays'} p.view['Crew'] = dv.number{'crew'} p.view['Engines'] = dv.number{'engines'} p.view['Thrusters'] = dv.number{'thrusters'}

p.view['Dry mass'] = dv.number{'dryMass', unit='kg'} p.view['Cargo bay'] = dv.number{'cargoBay', unit='m^3'} p.view['EMP shielding'] = dv.number{'empShielding', unit='MJ', omitZero=true} p.view['New price'] = dv.number{'priceNew', unit='E$'} p.view['Stripped hull price'] = dv.number{'hullValue', unit='E$'}

p.view['Variant'] = dv.text{'variant'}

for k,v in pairs(p.view) do

   v.heading = v.heading or k


p.infoboxRows = {

   'High-Stress', 'Low-Stress', 'Drone hardpoints', 'Docking bays', 'Crew',
   'Dry mass', 'Cargo bay', 'Processed cargo',
   'New price'


p.infobox = function(f)

   local key = mw.text.trim(f.args[1])
   local data = mw.loadData('Module:Ships/Data')
   data = data[key]
   local cap = capiunto.create{title=p.view.Name.format(data)}
   if f.args.image then
       cap:addImage(f.args.image, f.args.caption)
   for i,viewKey in ipairs(p.infoboxRows) do
       local view = p.view[viewKey]
       local dataPoint = view.format(data)
       -- Skip zeros
       if view.sortType == 'number' then
           local sortValue = view.sortValue(data)
           if sortValue == 0 then
               dataPoint = nil
       if dataPoint then
           cap:addRow(view.heading, dataPoint)
   return cap


p.defaultColumns = {

   'High-Stress', 'Low-Stress', 'Drone hardpoints', 'Docking bays', 'Crew',
   'Dry mass', 'Processed cargo',
   'Engines', 'EMP shielding', 'New price', 'Variant'


p.positionalArgs = function(f)

   local posArgs = {}
   for i,posArg in ipairs(f.args) do
       -- positional arguments don't get trimmed
       table.insert(posArgs, mw.text.trim(posArg))
   return posArgs


p.list = function(f)

   local columns = p.positionalArgs (f)
   if table.getn(columns) == 0 then
       columns = p.defaultColumns

   local data = mw.loadData('Module:Ships/Data')
   data = d.sort(data, {
       d.on(d.path{'baseModelData', 'hullValue'}, d.asc),
       d.on(d.path{'baseModelData', 'name'}, d.asc),
       d.on(d.path{'isVariant'}, d.asc),
       d.on(d.path{'hullValue'}, d.asc),
       d.on(d.path{'name'}, d.asc),
   return dv.displayTable(data, p.view, columns)


p.variants = function(f)

   local posArgs = p.positionalArgs(f)
   local baseModel = table.remove(posArgs, 1)
   local columns = posArgs
   if table.getn(columns) == 0 then
       columns = p.defaultColumns
   local data = mw.loadData('Module:Ships/Data')
   data = d.filter(data, function (ship)
        return ship.baseModel == baseModel
   data = d.sort(data, {
       d.on(d.path{'isVariant'}, d.asc),
       d.on(d.path{'hullValue'}, d.asc),
       d.on(d.path{'name'}, d.asc),
   return dv.displayTable(data, p.view, columns)


return pThe Antonoff-Titan K225 Break Bulk variant is a 3rd-party modification to the standard-issue K225. It sacrifices four of the docking bays to increase the internal cargo bay's size. The reduction in the theoretical processed capacity makes it less beneficial to process minerals mid-dive, and instead benefit from the greater capacity for raw ore chunks. The larger cargo bay also makes for lifepods to be less of a clogging issue. The K225-BB will generally spend less time out in the rings for the same value of ore, as processing times aren't an issue and de-clogging isn't as much of a chore.
