Mass Driver

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A mass-driver is a device used to accelerate an object. Depending on design mass-drivers can be used for goods delivery, mining or even weapons.

Mass driver table
Name Price(k) Power(MW) Mass(kg) Velocity(m/s) RoF(pps) Average Power Usage Penetration Estimated Damage (MJ) DPS (MW) Other
EMD-14 10 750 10 4500 2 150 1 101.25 202.5
MPI Railgun 20 800 2 7500 10 800 2 112.5 1125 dakadakadaka
ERFMD-17 30 500 10 3000 5 250 1 45 225
AEMD-14 32 750 10 4500 2 150 1 101.25 202.5 Gimbal(36d)
NDPT-4205 135 400 2 3750 5 2 28.125 140.625 Hidden, autotargets (but no autofire)

The railgun is the only good mass driver. if you are breaking rocks, energy weapons are a much better choice, and if you are breaking ships, the rail gun does it twice as well as any of the others. watch out for the high power usage though.


  • Penetration is a hidden stat that multiplies the damage of a projectile. Because of it, railguns deal twice the damage one'd expect from their projectile mass and muzzle velocity.
Types of mass-drivers