
From ΔV: Wiki
Revision as of 00:04, 19 June 2024 by Spdx-dv (talk | contribs) (initial modification, need to work this one out)

The primary power generator of fission-powered vessels is typically a thermal-gas turbine that converts the kinetic energy of reactor-heated propellant into electrical energy. The principle behind thermal-gas turbines has been understood for a very long time, the first example in recorded history having been the steam-powered aeolipile described in Roman engineer Vitruvius' De architectura, a treatise on contemporary architecture that was published before the Common Era.

Turbines as they exist in Delta-V rely on similar principles to steam turbines, but are much more advanced in their implementation and execution.

Available powerplants
Name Power (nominal) Propellant Consumption Mass Price
Turbine 100 MW 0.1 kg/s 500 kg 30,000 E$
Twin Turbine 200 MW 0.2 kg/s 1,000 kg 60,000 E$
Military-Grade Turbine 500 MW 0.5 kg/s 5,000 kg 150,000 E$