Auxiliary Power Unit

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An auxiliary power unit is an additional source of power generation separate from the powerplant that can be installed onto a vessel to satisfy additional power needs, or to increase power efficiency. There are two types: storage and generation.

Both types do not currently require maintenance, and any can be installed on all spacecraft, regardless of their size.

Magnetoplasmadynamic Generators (MPDGs)

Magnetoplasmadynamic generators (or MPDGs) utilise the electromagnetic fields generated by flowing propellant plasma to generate electricity. They operate in a closed cycle, meaning that spent plasma is returned to the reactor for reheating.

MPDGs are desirable for captains who prefer propellant efficiency and immediate power production above all other factors. Exchanging a military-grade turbine for a single turbine and an MPDG can reduce the dry mass of the vessel while providing a similar or greater amount of power, all while increasing power generation efficiency by a factor of 5.

Name Power Consumption Thermal Consumption Power (nominal) Mass Price
MPD5035 50 MW 0.5 GW 350 MW 2,500 kg 300,000 E$
EIPFG MkIV Big Furnace Generator 100 MW 1 GW 700 MW 4,000 kg 500,000 E$
MPI Town-class MPDG 150 MW 1.5 GW 1,000 MW 8,000 kg 800,000 E$

Superconductive Magnetic Energy Storage (SMESes)

Superconductive magnetic energy storage systems (SMESes) store energy in the magnetic field of a superconductive electromagnet. They can store massive amounts of power, but their charge and discharge rates are limited, unlike ultracapacitors.

SMESes are desirable for captains who prefer low dry mass, and whose ships occasionally outpace their power generation capacity. Vessels with mass drivers and other high-power devices tend to also need manoeuvring capability, and a SMES can provide a comfortable buffer during times of high power load.

Power capacity, like ultracapacitors, is measured in megajoules. One megajoule over one second is equal to one megawatt, as watts are joules over time.

Name Energy capacity Charge power draw Discharge power (peak) Mass Price
NDAPS 18,000 MJ 100 MW 3,000 MW 1,000 kg 400,000 E$
MPI Town-class storage 32,000 MJ 150 MW 3,000 MW 2,000 kg 800,000 E$
EIUP MkII Unlimited Power 50,000 MJ 200 MW 6,000 MW 3,500 kg 1,200,000 E$